what is the gospel we preach?
From J.I Packer's introduction to The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen
According to the Scripture, preaching the gospel is entirely a matter of proclaiming to men, as truth from God which all are bound to believe and act on, the following four facts:
(1.) that all men are sinners, and cannot do anything to save themselves;
(2.) that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is a perfect Saviour for sinners, even the worst;
(3.) that the Father and the Son have promised that all who know themselves to be sinners and put faith in Christ as Savior shall be received into favor, and none cast out (which promise is "a certain infallible truth, grounded upon the superabundant sufficiency of the oblation of Christ in itself, for whomsoever (few or more) it be intended" (J. Owen));
(4.) that God has made repentance and faith a duty, requiring of every man who hears the gospel "a serious full recumbency and rolling of the soul upon Christ in the promise of the gospel, as an all-sufficient Saviour, able to deliver and save to the utmost them that come to God by him, ready, able and willing, through the preciousness of his blood and sufficiency of his ransom, to save every soul that shall freely give themselves unto him for that end." (J.Owen)
According to the Scripture, preaching the gospel is entirely a matter of proclaiming to men, as truth from God which all are bound to believe and act on, the following four facts:
(1.) that all men are sinners, and cannot do anything to save themselves;
(2.) that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is a perfect Saviour for sinners, even the worst;
(3.) that the Father and the Son have promised that all who know themselves to be sinners and put faith in Christ as Savior shall be received into favor, and none cast out (which promise is "a certain infallible truth, grounded upon the superabundant sufficiency of the oblation of Christ in itself, for whomsoever (few or more) it be intended" (J. Owen));
(4.) that God has made repentance and faith a duty, requiring of every man who hears the gospel "a serious full recumbency and rolling of the soul upon Christ in the promise of the gospel, as an all-sufficient Saviour, able to deliver and save to the utmost them that come to God by him, ready, able and willing, through the preciousness of his blood and sufficiency of his ransom, to save every soul that shall freely give themselves unto him for that end." (J.Owen)
Labels: atonement, Gospel, J.I. Packer, John Owen, Puritan
Well said! Owen is a master of English. That said, I need to keep pushing at this: When, WHEN! are we Reformed going to get it that the historic worship of the Church, cleansed of Popish error, is a Biblical worship that communicates the Creedal, Sacramental, and liturgical (including COMMON PRAYER!)
bestowed by the Lord to His
I repeat our self-invented "liturgies" are defective Biblically, and divisive theologically. Are we, because of this, actually sectarian ourselves?
CB in Ca, at 7:08 PM
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