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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Newtonian Eschatology

When commenting on the Apocalypse (which, interestingly, he thought would be in 2060 AD) Sir Isaac Newton had something to say to the LaHayes and Robertsons of his day:

"This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail."

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

PCA Report Aftermath and Fallout

Well, judging by the reaction in the Federal Vision blogosphere, I'd say that FV folks aren't taking yesterday's events too well. Of all things, I'd say that FV reminds me most of Paris Hilton. No matter how much misfortune, indignity, and dishonor befalls it, FV has an uncanny way of maintaining an invincible, smug self-confidence amidst it all. There seems to be no averting FV's high self-estimation. But at least we can say that FV is not just famous for being famous.

If my bizarre illustration doesn't resonate with you, please consider, then, the more serious words of Jim Cassidy:

I've read some of the responses already by FVers. And quite frankly, I am surprised. They are disappointed, but there is no sign among them that perhaps they might be wrong. Brothers, the vast majority of the Reformed church in America has said that the FV is out of accord with the Westminster Standards. Does that not at least give you some pause? I mean, if my brothers spoke so loudly and in such unison to me about my views on a given issue, I would be trembling. Maybe I am weak in my nerves, but when the corporate body of Christ speaks with such unison, I am humbled.

Look, none of us FV critics are throwing a catered party over this matter (OK, maybe I was tempted to) because we don't take these matters lightly, but it would be nice to see the FV do something besides shrug off this development and immediately begin planning their next ecclesiastical survival tactic.

If things continue the way they have, FV will be exiled from the NAPARC churches, at which point it will be hard for FV to have any Reformed street cred. If so, FV will more aptly resemble the Black Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail, exclaiming "it's just a flesh wound!" after all of its limbs have been chopped off. At this point, Paris Hilton's self-image will seem rather reasonable in contrast.

Another voice whom FV sympathizers should have listened to with some care and heeded as a bright, dazzling red flag is that loveable Romanist apostate who taught us all how to laugh, how to cry, and how to swim the Tiber with the help of FV theology:

The PCA has essentially told the Federal Vision adherents that they are not welcome in the PCA denomination and that their beliefs are contrary to the denomination's theological commitments. If the Federal Visionists seriously trusted their ecclesiology and believed that the PCA was a valid Church, they would submit to the ruling. I doubt they will. I predict a split, a new denomination, or a defection to Douglas Wilson's homegrown denomination.

He had previously remarked:

younger Presbyterians will gravitate toward what the Federal Vision offers. Many will sink their teeth into it and many will find it wanting. Many will discover that the Catholic Church is their true home, and many will discover her in a great moment of joy. This Federal Vision is really only a peek into the keyhole of the Catholic Church. The Federal Visionist has a vision of the beautiful things inside, but they have not yet appreciated the warmth of a true home.

HT: Dr. Scott Clark

Peter Leithart registers his disagreements and quibbles with the Report's declarations here. It is hard for honest people to think that the Report was "slandering" FV and didn't hit its mark when we see reactions like this. Clearly these reports are striking some real, not imaginary nerves. To this I would add the vociferous objections of James Jordan against the recently-published Mid-America Reformed Seminary Report (claiming it incorporates "pagan thought").

Dr. Clark has a worthy discussion concerning FVs future in my denomination, the United Reformed Church.

To say that my classis (Classis Southwest) has been zealous against Federal Vision-related errors is an understatement, but I do wonder if our orthodoxy is as prevelant and unanimous in other classis' (or is it classes?) in the URC federation. Our Synod is coming up in just a few more weeks, and I'll have more to say about it in the days to come.

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The Federal Vision Just Got Owned. Again.

Praise be to God for the good work He has granted today, through the PCA's General Assembly, that adopted the PCA's REPORT OF AD INTERIM STUDY COMMITTEE ON FEDERAL VISION, NEW PERSPECTIVE, AND AUBURN AVENUE THEOLOGY. For those who have been following the Federal Vision Theology (FV), this is consistent with its track record in just the last year:

1. Last year the OPC General Assembly adopted the Report critical of the Federal Vision, which rejected FV as being compatible with the Westminster Standards.

2. The Synod of Bible Presbyterian Church adopted a resolution to reject FV.

3. The RCUS rejected FV in their report.

4. Just a few weeks ago, Mid-America Reformed Seminary published a statement against the Federal Vision doctrines.

The PCA, being the super-hip and technological denomination they are, have webcast their GA. Please check out the proceedings on the Federal Vision Report. You'll find good debate in there, along with R.C. Sproul at his best! Dr. Scott Clark recaps the proceedings on his blog here.

My brother Lane Keister/GreenBaggins commented on the development here, calling it a Triumph of the Gospel:
The motion was defeated by about a two to one majority. The recommendations themselves passed by approximately 95%. Indeed, that is probably a conservative estimate. It was a resounding triumph for the study committee report.

Tim Wilder made a pertinent comment at Lane's blog about the matter concerning Joel Garver's response to the Report's adoption:

Garver is already pooh-poohing the vote:

“The report is merely commended as useful and the nine declarations should be pretty innocuous for anyone ordained in the PCA.”

What these guys mean is that are going to force long, painful judicial processes everywhere, fighting every step, causing maximum damage on their way out of the PCA.

In response, Doug Wilson gave a fairly gracious response. This, however, is somewhat undercut by the implicit assumption that the PCA delegates couldn't read a 36-page report. He condescendingly stated:

If Christ can tell us to bless those who despitefully use us, then how much more should we be able to see our way to bless brothers in Christ who thought they were doing nothing more than affirming sola fide?

Um, the Report said a bit more than that. And this comes on the heels of Wilson's disgusting arrogance (quoting his son-in-law) toward presbyterian FV critics:

The Reformed always managed to be orthodox and intellectually engaging. But with the death of Falwell and the retirement of that generation of evangelicalism, it seems like our presbyterians, with their willful ignorance on the FV issue, are shifting over to take the place of orthodox shallow thinkers. If that happens it is going to leave a real vacuum for orthodox believers looking for challenging thinkers.

Oh, yes, if only we could all be like those sophisticated, erudite folks from Moscow, ID and Monroe, LA, (BTW, can someone remind me where Doug Wilson and Rich Lusk went to seminary, I can't seem to recall) since apparently the army of folks who actually pastor in confessionally-reformed denominations and have doctorates (like Ligon Duncan, R.C. Sproul, Robert Godfrey, Guy Waters, Gary Johnson, Joseph Pipa, R. Fowler White, Calvin Beisner, Robert Reymond, George Knight, Mike Horton, Scott Clark, T. David Gordon, David VanDrunen, etc.)are too dense and shallow to understand the glories of the Federal Vision theology.

On Wilson's blog, someone suggested that the PCA Report had made slanderous accusations against the Federal Vision proponents:

The implicit assertion that the FV writers deny the 9 declarations is effectively a violation of the 9th Commandment not to bear false witness.

To which I responded:

Gosh, where could they have gotten that idea? [Steve Wilkins wrote:]

The reprobate may be in covenant with God. They may enjoy for a season the blessings of the covenant, including the forgiveness of sins, adoption, possession of the kingdom, sanctification, etc., and yet apostatize and fall short of the grace of God.

But the Report stated:

The view that an individual is “elect” by virtue of his membership in the visible church; and that this “election” includes justification, adoption and sanctification; but that this individual could lose his “election” if he forsakes the visible church, is contrary to the Westminster Standards.

The view that water baptism effects a “covenantal union” with Christ through which each baptized person receives the saving benefits of Christ’s mediation, including regeneration, justification, and sanctification, thus creating a parallel soteriological system to the decretal system of the Westminster Standards, is contrary to the Westminster Standards.

[And Rich Lusk wrote:]

Final justification, however, is according to works. This pole of justification takes into account the entirety of our lives -- the obedience we’ve performed, the sins we’ve committed, the confession and repentance we’ve done

But the Report states:

The view that justification is in any way based on our works, or that the so-called “final verdict of justification” is based on anything other than the perfect obedience and satisfaction of Christ received through faith alone, is contrary to the Westminster Standards.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

shocking news?

Nikola Tesla was doing this over a hundred years ago.

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Monday, June 04, 2007

what is the gospel we preach?

From J.I Packer's introduction to The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen

According to the Scripture, preaching the gospel is entirely a matter of proclaiming to men, as truth from God which all are bound to believe and act on, the following four facts:

(1.) that all men are sinners, and cannot do anything to save themselves;

(2.) that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is a perfect Saviour for sinners, even the worst;

(3.) that the Father and the Son have promised that all who know themselves to be sinners and put faith in Christ as Savior shall be received into favor, and none cast out (which promise is "a certain infallible truth, grounded upon the superabundant sufficiency of the
oblation of Christ in itself, for whomsoever (few or more) it be intended" (J. Owen));

(4.) that God has made repentance and faith a duty, requiring of every man who hears the gospel "a serious full recumbency and rolling of the soul upon Christ in the promise of the gospel, as an all-sufficient Saviour, able to deliver and save to the utmost them that come to God by him, ready, able and willing, through the preciousness of his blood and sufficiency of his ransom, to save every soul that shall freely give themselves unto him for that end." (J.Owen)


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